Wednesday, October 13, 2010


We have decided to have a few mini events, before the main event at NAYA, to gather as many donations as we can. Here is what the flyer looks like....

4 Unity Project – Mini Block Party

Winter Clothing Donation Station


Tuesday 10/ 19 AND Thursday 10/21

11 am – 7 pm

We will be in the parking lot of Alteration Nation and the Dollar Scholar at SE 33rd & Hawthorne. Bring your donation and come vibe with us!

~Donations are tax deductible~

This is sponsored by the For Unity Project a new non-profit of

We need some people who have some spare time on either one (or both) of these days to help out. Someone has to be at the booth at all times to accept donations.
We especially NEED all of our musician friends to come be a part of the drum circle/ jam!!

So far here are some of the shifts that people have volunteered for:

Tue, 10/19, 11 am - 3 pm, Lacy (booth)

Tue, 10/19, 3 pm - 7 pm, Kristen (booth)

Thur, 10/21, 11 am - 3 pm, Jen (booth)

Thur, 10/21, 3 pm - 7 pm, Kristen (booth)
, Roberta (booth)

There are not "set times" that a shift must be taken. It is up to you, when do you think you will be available, and what for, (eg.) booth OR music.

Just comment to this post as to when and what you want to contribute....

Thank You for your support!!!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you all for the hard work you did today! All in all, a fantastic time! Tons of clothes, jackets & blankets! Cant wait for Thursday! Going to be THAT MUCH BETTER! Please keep spreading the word! Confirmed with folks, its gonna be gooood!
