Medicine for the People's 4 Unity Project
The 4 Unity Project is about creating strategic change in the people's everyday lives through a diverse palate of medicines. Not any one medicine is right for everyone so we offer many all together because different medicines enrich our lives in many different ways. As a whole, our medicine wheel of change offers 4 concepts that we believe truly will impact people's lives everyday: Education, tribal community, agriculture, and health. By offering intensive free education of essential life sustaining skills we are strategically raising the quality of life of our people and empowering them with taking hold of their own destiny. We are taking a stand and dedicating our service to humanity. With unconditional love our focus is first and foremost to help others, in turn healing ourselves, humanity, and the world.
Tribal Community
Modern society has forgotten much about the importance of youth. In the U.S. Our government has made more and more budget cuts in recent years because of large foreign debts. One of the areas to suffer cuts the most is education. Children go to school to be taught by strangers their parents sometimes never meet and learn things they may never use. Even adults in our society have a dependence on grocery stores, eating foods processed in countries they have never heard of often obese but malnourished. 1 in 3 children will develop type 2 diabetes and 1 in 2 in poverty. Our goal is to give people hope that they can grow their own food and offer the knowledge of what will nourish their bodies, minds, and spirits. These people are the future and once they are taught the value of their community, elders that once were honored and respected as carriers of the wisdom will not be deemed obsolete, forgotten, and left to die in nursing homes as they are now. May we come to terms with this through recognition of the connection that all of us go through every stage of life youth to elder.
Why are these things happening?
Importance is put on money in our culture, not caring about each other. The age group that is nurtured in our society is the age group that can make/spend the most money.
Does this seem good to you?
Money has been known to cause obsession and this social sickness we are experiencing is not without hope. We are the Medicine People called to serve humanity and the earth. Just because modern society stopped recognizing the importance of medicine men and women doesn't mean that people stopped hearing the calling to do the service. There is no one person that is going to fix all our problems nor heal all the sickness but rather it is a choice each of us make every day to heal ourselves and care for one another enough to help each other out the way we all deserve, we are all worthy of our own healing. Us medicine people are here to empower our people of earth with life skills that will affect the quality of life in their daily experience by embracing each other through community, embracing the earth and our right to health through agriculture and herbalism, and embracing our expression of the medicine we all have through music, dance, yoga, and art.